AP Physics C

I really don’t think that this is a true statement.


You should not take calculus-based physics without having taken calculus.


Not really.

While it may look bad if an engineering applicant was offered the opportunity in their normal sequence to take a more advanced math in 12th grade but chose not to, the OP’s situation is that calculus AB in 12th grade is the normal sequence offered to the OP. Hence, the OP taking calculus AB will be reaching the highest math available in the normal sequence, based on middle school math placement.


I’ll take it a step further and say not at all in this instance. Not taking BC when it’s the next course in sequence may be a red flag. Not taking BC when it’s not the next course is sequence won’t be.


Many kids take these simultaneously, Calc BC and AP physics C, is this not a good idea?

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My D took AB concurrently with C. BC wasn’t offered.

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That wasn’t the question being asked. OP asked if they should take calc or physics over the summer, where the options are either/or. UCB correctly answered that one should not take calc-based physics without knowing calc.

Taking calc (whether regular, honors, AB, or BC) concurrently with AP Physics C during the academic year is completely normal.

For physics taken at a university, however, it is not uncommon to have calc 1 as a prereq for mechanics and calc 2 as a prereq with MVC concurrently for E&M

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Doing well in AP Physics C is probably the best way for most HS students (at most US high schools) to demonstrate readiness as an engineering or physical science major in college. However, doing poorly may have the opposite effect. I’ve known students who were advanced in math (e.g. having already completed AP Calculus BC or better and scored 5 on the AP exam) but did poorly on AP Physics C. Your teacher is probably in the best position to evaluate your readiness, unless you know someone else who is more familiar with both you and the subject.

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Our oldest son took calc AB and Physics 1 his senior year. His hs did not offer physics C and taking calc AB was required for BC. He went to a T-15 school for engineering. The reality of senior year is that most colleges/universities will not see your grades only your class schedule.
Our senior this year is taking Physics C with calc AB and yes it has definitely been a struggle but is doable.

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Hi. I got approved to take a waiver test to get into AP Physics. I need to get a 90% to be able to take ap physics next year.

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I scored an 86% on the waiver test so I don’t get to take ap physics c. Since I will be applying as an engineering major, I think it is important to take this class. However, I also want to get ahead in math. Should I take Physics I (equivalent of ap physics c) or Calc I (equivalent of ap Calc ab) at a community college over the summer? Which one will be more important?

Calc > physics.

And the decision may be made for you because if the physics course is truly equivalent to Physics C, you’d need calculus for it.

The grades from junior summer will be seen by the colleges unlike your senior courses if you apply EA. Calc I seems less risky as it is mostly limits and derivatives.

Don’t colleges look at the classes you take senior year. I feel that not taking ap physics will look bad .

Also, I will just need to get a 75% on the courses to get credit but they won’t be included in my transcript. I want to take Calc I so that I can take AP Calc BC senior year.


In the 10 minutes they spend on your entire application, they are not micromanaging your course selection, but they will look at your overall schedule to review rigor.

People can and do go straight from honors precalc to AP calc BC, which is a full yr college calc class. People do take AP physics C which is a full yr college physics class at the same time as Calc BC, and without having ever taken high school physics.

If you want to take calc and physics this summer at the community college, and then try for calc BC and Physics C next year, go ahead. But you will still get into an appropriate college program even without having taken BC calc and Physics C. It is still permissible to wait for college for these college classes.