<p>How do you guys like survive in AP Physics C. I think it's one of the hardest class I have ever taken in high school and now my class is in E+M and I'm like completely clueless about it, not that I wasn't clueless in Mechanics, but yeah it's bad. Any tips for succeeding in that class and actually understanding some of it?</p>
<p>wow…is it really that bad. im gonna take physics c mechanics next year. our school is gonna do mechanics only the whole year, and i already have a year of physics honors. do think itll be just as bad? im scared…lol</p>
<p>and to answer ur question, for any ap class try some of those prep books. they majorily help do loads of practice problems. also, read ahead in the text book so when discussed in class, u will have an idea what the teacher is talkin about.</p>
<p>yes it is that bad i already had a year of honors physics too and ive already bought like two prep books haha. It’s probably cuz i just suck at physics and cant understand a thing.</p>