<p>Is it wise to use AP Psych credit (getting a waiver) instead of taking Intro to Psych if I want to major in BBB? Would the AP course be enough to give me a good basic knowledge so that I can do well in more advanced psych classes?</p>
<p>And I guess I want to ask the same thing for AP Bio, AP Stats, and AP Calc BC. I'm planning on being pre-med, so should I just retake all those classes again since they're required for pre-med, or should I just use AP credit to get ahead?</p>
<p>Any feedback would be great! Thank you!</p>
<p>(I'm deciding whether or not I should bother taking these AP tests this May - psych, bio, bc calc.)</p>
<p>Definitely take the calc AP test. You don’t want to retake that at Penn, and basically everything requires math 104 (which is the ap). </p>
<p>AP Psych: Psych 001 is hardly a class where you’ll learn anything (sorry, but it’s true). You shouldn’t feel worried about skipping it. Taking the AP credit means you’ll need to take another psych elective in its place though ( [Biological</a> Basis of Behavior Program](<a href=“http://www.psych.upenn.edu/bbb/BBBMajor.htm]Biological”>http://www.psych.upenn.edu/bbb/BBBMajor.htm) ) Personally, I would always rather take an elective than a 00x level class, but that’s just me.</p>
<p>AP stat will fulfill stat 111, which would help you out plenty. Take the AP test.</p>
<p>Bio: AP Bio and the credit penn gives for it always confuse me. maybe a BBB major can help us out with this one. If you’ve already taken the class though, why not take the test?</p>