<p>I'm taking ap euro, calc bc, physic b for sure... I think 5 ap will be too much so I need to choose between ap psych or ap stat? Any recommendations? </p>
<p>If I take stat and calc bc same year then I won't have any math classes available at school or community college next year. But psych is all memorization which could take more time commitment. I'm equally interested in both classes what should i do?</p>
<p>they’re easy AP’s. why not take both and self-study a bit in the summer to get ahead</p>
<p>Problem is I have a bunch of after school activities and my summer ends in a week
sort of late to study early</p>
<p>Your local community college does not have college sophomore math courses (multivariable calculus, linear algebra, differential equations)? Or calculus-based statistics (more useful than AP statistics for credit at a university) or discrete math (for computer science majors)?</p>
<p>No they have up to calc 3 which is equivalent to calc bc. They have Differential equations and applied calc but I’ve already taken those. I don’t want to go a full year without doing math, im not so sure what to do 
I’m concerned more about the present right now though, ap stat or psych? I would have taken 5 ap if I wasn’t taking euro because I heard there was so much work and when May comes around I’m going to be studying like crazy for those exam which is going to be a killer</p>
<p>Calculus BC only covers Calc 1 and 2, I think. At my school, euro is a killer if you aren’t naturally amazing at memorization. You’ve taken Differential Equations and Applied Calculus before actual Calculus? X: I would say take Stats if I’m right about Calc BC.</p>
<p>I’ve taken ap calc AB before calc classes at my local CC. So I think I will take ap stat then unless anyone has any other suggestions</p>