AP Psychology or Enviornmental Science??

I’m an incoming sophomore, and I’m not sure which AP test I should self-study for. I heard they’re both relatively easy. I want to do Psyc because I find it genuinely really interesting, but I want to go into the medical field and heard that enviornmental is better for that. Which test should I take? Thanks! :-*

I took both classes and exams (5s on both), and the environmental exam was just a bit harder imo. If you find psych more interesting then definitely go with that, since it’ll probably be easier to learn the material if you enjoy it more. I don’t think environmental science is very important for medicine especially compared to AP bio or chem.

I’m doing AP chem and AP Bio for sure. I think I’ll follow your advice and stick with AP psych since I find that enjoyable. Thanks :slight_smile:

I haven’t taken psych yet but I had APES 1st semester last year and did all of my studying the weekend before the exam. Turns out there was a bunch of material our teacher never went over so I had to review everything we learned and go through some new material. The exam wasn’t terrible; even with minimal preparation I ended up getting a 5, so I’m sure you could do very well without taking the course if you get a good review book and, if possible, borrow or rent a textbook.
Also, if you decide to take APES, here are links to a released exam and the same exam w/ answers. Good luck!
