Ap Question! Please Read!

<p>When the colleges ask for the AP scores, do you have to list ALL of the AP tests that you have taken? I have high grades for some, but not my top choice of score for one test. Can I omit?</p>

<p>Also, does anyone know the test date for 2006 AP World History exam? AP Central only shows the upcoming 2008 test dates.</p>

<p>It looks bad if the grade shows up on your transcipt for an AP class you have taken, but you don't record the score... if its self-studied, I don't think it would hurt</p>

<p>For the 2006 date, just put May 1st - colleges don't expect you to remember the exact day you took the test</p>

<p>thanks for the info ^^</p>

<p>2006 AP World History: May 3rd</p>