AP Questions

<p>I plan on majoring in psychology at VA Tech. In May I earned a 4 on my AP Psych exam, which qualifies as credit for Intro to Psych. Should I use this credit and take Psych courses at a higher level or take Intro to Psych to refresh and prepare for the major classes? Also, does anyone know if AP Govt satisfies any of the area general requirements for liberal education?</p>

<p>I know this doesn’t help at all, but it all depends on what “you” think you should do. Look at your financial situation, and consider if you would want to have a semester with one less credit. If you want to get a job around Blacksburg, a 12 credit schedule vs a 15 could make a huge difference. Also though, money may not be a problem, and you could take the class again to boost up your GPA. Personally, even though I had a 5 on the AP Biology Exam, I retook the class. Honestly I’m glad I did too, as the class is covering a lot of material I didn’t learn in high school.</p>

<p>And looking at your government exam, I’m assuming it was U.S. Government & Politics, it would apply to the liberal education. But it a applies the political science/psychology area, so it won’t help much at all. Though I’d still accept it just for fun. Any other questions on how AP credit is transferred can be looked up here…
<a href=“http://www.registrar.vt.edu/registration/documents/ap_equivalency_1011.pdf[/url]”>http://www.registrar.vt.edu/registration/documents/ap_equivalency_1011.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks! I’m assuming that you’re majoring in biological sciences? Do you think it’s at all realistic to double major at Tech? And do you know anything about the BLSC program?</p>

<p>Hi! Psych is actually one of my majors right now, so I could possibly help out a lot.</p>

<p>About Intro Psych: I would recommend taking it if you think you’re not as up to par with your psych knowledge, and if you might have trouble adjusting to the college environment. Not to mention, if you are pretty good at Psych (since you got a 4) the class will probably be an easy A for you. You’ll also be able to spend time on the harder classes. For example, Elementary Calculus at the Math Emporium if you have to take it, Biology/Chemistry/whatever lab science you choose to take one, things like that. You actually have to take 4 science classes (2 Classes + Labs for the CLE, and then 2 additional science classes), and Bio is hard, in my opinion.</p>

<p>I think double majoring isn’t a problem if your second major is somewhat related and not one of the more tough majors on campus. I’m currently a sociology/psychology double major. I have AP/IB/Transfer credits so I won’t have to take more than 15 credits each semester, on top of having a job.</p>

<p>Sorry, didn’t mean to look like I totally rejected this thread. All of us little undergrads, (maybe grads too, idk), are now on break; I was spending a little vacation time…</p>

<p>financially lost answered your first question better than I ever could. But for the second question, YES! I’m actually IN the BLSC program. Though for privacy for the people in it just send a private message to me about any questions about it (not just Richmond, anyone).</p>