AP Scores Submitting

<p>My D applied to UW Madison (first choice school). 4.0 unweighted, 30 ACT, AP courses, solid essays, extracurricula, etc. Reading posts it appears that folks submit AP scores at the time of admission application. She never thought to and figured that was something after being admitted in terms of getting credit for courses. She is starting to worry if she made a critical mistake of not forwarding her AP scores (especially, in light of them being mostly 5's). It is kind too late now. Should we do something (like contact Admissions) or not worry about it?</p>

<p>I was told that any impact they have on admissions would be negligible at best. I still sent a copy of my AP report with my transcript since I self-studied to get the scores and there was no other way they’d know I got them. </p>

<p>Admissions is probably pretty busy around this time of year, but if you send in a copy of the AP report addressed to the admissions department and make sure that your name and school appear somewhere on the sheet (we sued labels) so that they can identify the scores, they will probably accept it.</p>

<p>At least, that’s what I would do. I don’t think it’s something to worry about.</p>