<p>Western PA yesterday</p>
<p>Northern NJ</p>
<p>Southern New Hampshire today</p>
<p>NYC today, yea!!! Southern NH and NYC - last places in country?</p>
<p>FINALLY got the scores in Eastern MA today. I think we join NYC and NH as the last.</p>
<p>Thanks College Board, just got a letter today saying son’s score were delayed. However, scores came Wednesday.</p>
<p>So, if the scores are not received, will we have to pay for a paper copy or will they resend to the student for free?</p>
<p>Chandans - send her to the U.S.A - she will love it, get a great education and meet our kids.</p>
<p>Scores came in MA on Saturday (close to the NH border).</p>