AP Scores

<p>Hey I was just wondering if UMiami puts AP scores up...I was just reading that some colleges have already put students' scores up through that school's online portal (basically to let them know if they get credit or not). Does anyone know if UMiami does that and if they do, where do they post them?</p>

<p>I don’t know how they currently do it, but several years ago it came in the mail. They showed you the course you got credit for and the number of credits you were receiving.</p>

<p>ie- AP Bio
Bio 101 (I made up the number) 4 credits (made up the number of credits too.</p>

<p>ohh ok, thanks, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see!</p>

<p>Ask your teachers for the AP classes that you took if they received them, I asked mine and they had them (5s on both tests!) So if you don’t feel like waiting for your AP scores in the mail, that could be an option.</p>

<p>I looked everywhere, I couldn’t find the scores online :(.
BUT, like marinebio said, try asking your teachers or if you REALLY want to you can call in :D</p>

<p>are we all future cane students? 2014??</p>

<p>2016 would be mine, I’m going into junior year</p>

<p>yeah I looked everywhere too…but I have a strong feeling that they will come in the mail next week, so I think I’m going to wait it out :)</p>

<p>mangoman- I’m in the class of 2014</p>

<p>Good luck to you Marinebio444!
Although I’m not on campus at UM yet, feel free to ask my any question regarding the admission process and what not for UM. I’ve done some heavy research :].</p>

<p>Where are you from Floridax3?</p>

<p>orlando! you?</p>

<p>sorry to be posting on your thread Floridax3 but I really want to be a Cane in 2011 so if any of you can help me with more information then that would be great:)</p>

<p>Longhornsfan, I got you! Feel free to ask anything, I’m not an actual student (as I mentioned above), but I can help you with the admission process and what Miami looks for and what not. Feel free to message or just ask on here!</p>

<p>And Floridax3 I’m from Palm Beach Gardens! But I love Orlando haha</p>

<p>thank you:)
1.ok I just wanted to know how hard it was to actually get in, like what is the average SAT score you need and the GPA?
I have a 570 on math and 620 on CR but they are on separate tests-do they take the best scores?Im retaking it so I can pull up my math and im also taking the subject math test.</p>

<p>2.For the application, how do you send the letters of recommendation? Do the teachers send them by mail at the same time I’m sending my application?</p>

<li>I just want to know, what were stats to get in?like ECs and volunteer work, grades etc.</li>

<p>1) The difficulty isn’t too hard, I think the biggest thing UM applicants miss out on is the difficulty in class schedule. I mean the harder your classes throughout highschool can well make up for average act/sat scores. As for UM’s averages, I believe the SAT average was a 1270-1290 for the incoming class (i’m not sure for the 2014) but yes they do mix and take highest scores (as well with the ACT.) The GPA part is pretty subjective. I do know that 60%+ of UM students were in the top 5% or top 10% of their class. But, if I had to take a guess the range of a gpa (unweighted 3.7-3.9) range easily.</p>

<p>2) How are you applying? Are you using common app?</p>

<p>3) are you asking my own stats?</p>

<p>thanks:)im pretty much in that range for GPA, i just need to get the SAT a little bit better.</p>

<p>2)is common app a better way of applying?if it is then yes
3)ya i mean yours sorry</p>

<p>Do you mind giving your stats and can gauge for you? As for commonapp it is if you’re applying to other colleges(private) since you don’t have to do several different applications.</p>

<p>As for my stats: I had a 27 on act :frowning: and didn’t send my SAT they were horrid
weights GPA was a 4.56 and unweighte was a 3.74
I was 7/580 kids as ranks are concerned
I did varsity tennis for 3 years and a year of Cross Country
NHS president
Science National Honor Society sergeant at arms
took 9 AP classes (majority in my school)
400 community service hours
and a few other things, I feel like i’m talking too much lol. If you have any other questions about my stats feel free to ask more specific if I didn’t cover.
I also did early action!</p>

<p>oh geez im not that good lol. alright UM is the only private college im applying to so i guess I’ll apply with the other application type.
alright here are my stats</p>

<p>I have a 570-math and 620-CR on SAT(retaking it in oct and taking the math subject test)
unweighted GPA is 3.6
top 6% out of 518
varsity golf for 3 years and went to state all three years(1 point from getting 3rd place:/)
have taken 4 AP classes and plan on taking 5 or 6 next year
barely any volunteer hours(going to work on that this summer)
getting my SCUBA certification(for marine program)
planning on applying early decision</p>

<p>mangoman23-haha yeah Orlando is pretty cool, but I’m so ready to leave and come to Miami!</p>

<p>longhornsfan- you just need to bring your math score into the 600s and I think you have a really good shot of getting in! Your other stats look great. However keep in mind that if you are looking for some scholarship, you need at least a 1350 math+verbal to be considered-at least that’s what they say.</p>

<p>thanks Floridax3. that makes me feel better lol. I know I will be able to bring my SAT scores up:)</p>

<p>Floridax3 - What are you going to major in? BTW, are you Hecht? haha</p>

<p>longhonrsfan- don’t worry, I actually got lucky and got enough scholarship and grants to make it a lot more affordable with my stats and since you’re in the same ballpark to me it’s good! Please just make sure you take hard classes, that can’t be stressed enough. When i talked to an admission counselor it was an emphasis with grade progression (getting better each year) and taking more difficult classes. I know that they are very holistic with the evaluations, well after I went through it.</p>

<p>The recommendation is easy, just print out the form from the UM website (I believe the counselor evaluation) give it to your counselor for a few days and what not let them fill it out to their best ability. Get it back and just mail UM. UM does a good job with letting you know what’s missing and what’s not missing. </p>

<p>Also! If you’re doing Early Decision make sure it’s really what you want. Once you’re in, no more going back. </p>

<p>Here’s a video, it has some admission info (it might be a year or 2 old but it’s helpful and fun to watch) :].</p>

<p>[video</a> - University of Miami | YOUniversityTV](<a href=“http://www.youniversitytv.com/video/viewvideo/3151]video”>http://www.youniversitytv.com/video/viewvideo/3151)</p>