AP Spanish?

<p>So its that time of the year again...I'm deciding what classes to take for next year, and I am on track to take AP Spanish next year. However, I was wondering if anyone who has taken the course could tell me more on its difficulty. I am not a native speaker, and I have heard mixed reviews form different people regarding its difficulty. I was considering dropping spanish, but I am a sophomore, and I think i need three years of language.</p>


<p>Is this AP Spanish Language? If you’re really passionate about learning the language, it’s a FABULOUS class. I learned so much, more than I had learned in the other years of Spanish I had taken combined. Definitely worth it, but just be prepared to work hard!</p>

<p>thanks…ya, it would be spanish language</p>

<p>The class is ridiculously easy. For me, it was essentially a review of concepts from Spanish 4, with extra stress placed on verb conjugation, vocab, and listening skills. A couple of the listening sections on the exam are killer, though.</p>

<p>AP Spanish Language was my S’s easiest (of 6) AP classes by far. Caveat: He’s not a native speaker, but did attend a language immersion elementary school.</p>