<p>I know this may sound extremely annoying, as there is a post on this already, but I would like to know what is the BEST review book for Ap Spanish Lang. Most people don't know this becuase they leave it blank and say its really hard, blah blah blah....</p>
<p>So does anyone, from past experience or just simply know which is the most trustful and best resource as a review book for Ap Spanish?</p>
<p>I bought Barrons, but only used it for the fill in the blank review sections. The listening sections and the reading comp in the Barrons would probably help too. I would advise practicing your speaking skills as much as possible before the exam and turning on some telemundo if you get the chance.
I ended up getting a 5, but it has always been a mystery as to how I got that score. haha Sometimes I think they just roll a dice and just assign whatever number lands face up…</p>