<p>Going into sophomore year and have the option of either taking AP stats or honors physics next year. Personally, i am a numbers guy and love algebra II so which do you think would be a better fit? Which is less work in general?</p>
<p>AP stats then AP test. Easy 3-4 credits, saves $1200, and 1/4 of a semester in college.</p>
<p>I would do Honors PHysics!! If you like numbers and Algebra II you will get bored with AP stats. Most of friends do not consider AP stats a real math class. On the other hand, Physics is applied math and you become smarter!!</p>
<p>Depends on what you want to do. If you want to be an engineer, then go Honors Physics and then AP Physics. If you want to major in economics, take AP Stats.</p>
<p>Just throwing this out there, but taking Honors Physics and then AP Physics is generally viewed as more difficult than Regular Physics and AP Stats.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help! My big concern with honors physics is that it may require more studying and effort put forth with the tests. AP stats sounds like a lot of work as well, but it may be a bit lighter on the studying. Btw, I’m looking to major in economics. Honors physics sounds like a mix of some useless memorization along with some formula work that I love.</p>
<p>I don’t know about the course at your school, but the honors physics at mine is mostly conceptual. You don’t have to memorize anything, not even formulas, only know the concepts and how to work with what you are given.</p>
<p>I would go AP Stats though since you say you are going into economics.</p>
<p>You could take both?? Like take Honors Physics next year and then AP Stats the year after if you don’t want a really hard course load. But i’m sure you’ll be fine with just taking them both at the same time. I heard AP Stats was easy. I’m thinking about taking AP Stats but I’m not so sure either!</p>
<p>colleges prefer to see physics than stats because they like to see 3 years of science. Also is you eventually had to choose between stats and cal. I would take cal.</p>
<p>I just wanna add that I’m already taking honors pre calc, and honors chem… so i think i’ll be fine on the minimum aspect. I also can’t take both but feel I will definitely take both through my high school career.</p>
<p>^^then i would probably do stats and do physics next year so that you have an Ap for sophomore year</p>
<p>Take AP Stats. Really easy AP.</p>
<p>Thaanke Honors Physics as a Junior. If you will already be taking Chem and want to major in Econ, just take a class for fun. Honestly, I don’t think it matters which grade you take classes in as long as you take them- Correct me if I’m wrong please. Though I do suggest taking Physics in general</p>