AP Stats Woes

<p>So for starters: GRRRRR!</p>

<p>Secondly, I will be getting a C in AP Stats for my first semester of senior year. I am an RD applicant but I have all A's and only two B's (in Math, surprise surprise) in my transcript and i have various qualities/hooks Penn might be interested in. I'm not going to waste your time on the circumstances or go on a rant about my teacher, but I do have a family issue that relates to that grade. Will explaining this and having an Assistant Principal who knows what type of student I am help explain this situation help or hurt? Most importantly, will having a C in a subject I have no interest in extensively pursuing beyond high school put my application in the trash bin?</p>

<p>Any help or advice would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Its probably a good idea to explain the situation. Admissions counselors are people too and will understand. I’m no admissions expert but i dont think they expect you to be perfect, I don’t think a c will kill your chances.</p>

<p>I remember when I visited Penn, the person giving a presentation on admissions said that they are forgiving to people for Bs, and they even are fine with a C or 2. However, they could have just been saying that for the $40 application fee, or to make themselves look more selective by turning down more applicants, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be too bad for you, as long as everything else is in the right order.</p>

<p>Of course, it couldn’t hurt to talk to counselor about it/explain it.</p>