I do not want to take this course in school, how can I take it online?
Is it a difficult course/exam?
Have you taken it? If so, what was your experience like?
For the AP exam, you just submit the images of your portfolio along with the concentration statement. You also mail 5 physical pieces to college board as quality. I took the course this year but ended up doing all my art at home since there was only 50 minutes of class time. I don’t think there would’ve been a difference if I’d not taken the course. You could probably sign up for the exam without taking an online class and just work on your art outside of school if you’re a naturally driven person. It wasn’t particularly difficult though it was hard coming up with ideas at times. You need to have 24 artworks complete by the time the AP exam rolls around so it’s not hard if you like art but it does take some time management.
Why don’t you want to take it at school?
Why do you want to do this at all?
Are you planning to do art in college?