AP substitute for high school foreign language requirement?

I know that some colleges require or recommend 2/3/4 years or a 2/3/4-year level proficiency at a foreign language. I have also read that AP or a SAT subject test represents the same qualifications, if the student can score adequately.
I’m considering perhaps taking AP Latin in senior year… I know it’s really hard, but I’m wondering if something like that can be a possibility assuming I can eventually achieve a decent score.
I’m unsure if Latin qualifies as a foreign language at all, or if it’s a good idea. I’m considering this route because I haven’t got enough years of foreign language, and neither my interest in French (the only offered foreign language in my HS) nor my marks in French are in my favor.

It counts.

Completing an AP course will count as fulfillment of the requirements in almost all colleges. As you are currently a sophomore, I’m not sure how you plan to get to AP level in a year and a half, but that was not your question. Good luck.

Thank you very much! Yeah I know it might be far fetched but from what I’ve learned so far I like the language and I will try my best to work for it. :slight_smile: