<p>Just what the ETS/CB doesn't need right now - more problems related to test scoring; this time concerning AP tests taken in May:</p>
Hundreds of Advanced Placement tests given in May cant be scored because parts of the exams have been lost, The Washington Post reported. Quoting officials of the Educational Testing Service, The Post said that in some cases, essays have been lost and in other cases, multiple choice answer sheets are lost. ETS said that students are being given the option of retaking the test, being given a partial score, or skipping the test without a score. One school official told the newspaper that he had documentation that all parts of the exams were properly shipped, and that he had had difficulty obtaining information about the situation from the College Board. (ETS manages the test for the board.) It is unclear where the tests ended up or which students were affected, but The Edmonton Journal reported that 168 students in Alberta had been informed that their essays had been lost.