I heard that Pomona only accepts 2 AP tests for credit and even so you'll probably end up taking those classes over at Pomona.
I already got a 4 on the US History exam. This year I'm taking Spanish, US Government, Physics B, Calculus AB, and English Literature. I bought the review books and everything because I was preparing for a UC where the more AP the better but now I'm starting to wonder if I should even bother studying for them. Will it make a difference if I get a 1 on all these tests? I mean, i'm pretty sure i can do moderately well on most without studying a lot but i dont know if i care enough to really well.
What do you guys think? Is it worth it? I know I have nothing better to do but I would rather enjoy my senior year if there's not going to be any negative reprecussions from this.</p>
<p>Take at least one more or 2 to make sure you get a 4 or 5, I believe English requires a 5. You may as well get the 2 credits. I know my S did not even study for the english as it is mainly classwork that prepares you. Good luck!</p>
<p>Haha sounds good. I think i'll focus on the Literature one. That will be 2 and i'll since im mexican i'll definitely get a 5 on the spanish. So I think ic an say: screw physics, calculus, and government. YES! my senior year just got a lot easier.</p>
<p>Same situation. I'm taking Government, Literature, Calculus and Spanish. I think I only care about the math. Will that actually replace the math reasoning requirement if I get a 5? That would be great!</p>
<p>mchllhcm, even with a 5 I believe you need to take the placement tests, check with a current student. I remember my S needing to take the English placement and he had a 5 in it.You will get credit but I don't believe it replaces a class without passing Pomona's placement exam.</p>
<p>It's still worth taking some of the AP tests to place out of classes. I asked the admissions office about this and here's the reply I got. You might want to call and ask them for your specific tests. I know that, personally, i wouldn't want to have to take the same class over again in college that i already took in high school.</p>
<p>Hi Derek,</p>
<p>I checked with the Politics Department, and they do use the AP exam for placement; if you receive a 4 or 5 on the Comparative Government exam, they waive the requirement that you take Politics 5, an introductory course. As for Bio, they do not use the AP test at all for placementÂeverybody starts in the same class, so the department chair recommended that I tell you to forego the test and take the day off.</p>
<p>Hope this helps,</p>
<p>Betsy Geiger</p>
<p>Oh damn. That's hella nice</p>
<p>im signed up to take Bio, Calc BC, English literature, and US Government. i already have a 5 in Calc AB, and Stat, and 4s in US history and Chemistry. which should i take?
should i just take Calc BC and English lit? i guess Bio is pointless if you cant get credit or use it for placement, right? where can i find this stuff about them only taking credit for 2 AP tests?</p>
<p>I have a 5 in Psych and Euro, and I'm taking English Lit, Calc BC, Physics C, American Gov, and Econ this year. </p>
<p>Does anyone know which ones are "useless" (no placement)? I really can't/don't want to study for all of them.</p>
<p>Btw, does anyone know if AP credits count towards the new requirements? I would love to never take a science or math class again.</p>
<p>I would recommend just calling the departments at Pomona to get the most accurate information. You could even try e-mailing the department heads.</p>
<p>Yeah, so I emailed them and called and everything so now I'm only talking Physics and Calculus and hoping to get a 4 on one of them. Actually I might do Physics and Lit. Yea!</p>
<p>2 AP tests sounds way better than 5.
plus i save 200 bucks!</p>
<p>Do we report all our scores when we apply? Say I got a 5 on calculus, 4 on US History, and a 3 in chemistry, should I even write down the chemistry score? They don't give credit for 3s.</p>
<p>yeah, i just bombed AP bio and AP gov, im thinking 2s on both. does it really matter? not really...</p>
<p>Haha yeah. I actually only took 1 test this year. These last two weeks i've been at home all day mostly, and missed nothing.</p>
<p>free at last from APs! yay! i am no longer a number and a barcode! =)</p>