<p>I'll just add my encouragment to validate everything you can. Yes, you're stuck here four years no matter what, but they stuff that time pretty full. By validating classes you leave yourself some breathing space, even if you still have to take the same number of classes. I would especially try to get out of chemistry. It's killing my class. I don't even know how many people are on academic probation because of it. </p>
<p>Speaking of probation, you don't want to get on it. My roomate is (he's likely to get kicked out for academics) and among other things, he can never leave. Not being allowed to get off base is worse than you might think. You know your life sucks when you are taking your date to Fairchild Hall...</p>
<p>That's the site. I have another question. Can you not take an AP exam and take the test during BCT to validate it? It seems (based on the site) that tests like Chem do not require another test while your in BCT, but I'm getting a different impression from our cadets. </p>
<p>Last one. Right now I am in Calculus BC (skipped AB) and I barely have an A. I feel like I am not getting a good foundation in it (I plan on an advanced engineering degree). Is it worth validating if I might, or would it be better to strengthen the first year then move on?</p>
<p>In some classes you can indeed get out of of the class based on your placement test scores in BCT, regardless of whether or not you took the AP class/test (or did well on it).</p>
<p>If you validate a class on the placement test, like math, that you feel you should take anyway, you can opt to do so. For instance, I placed into Calc 3 on the BCT placement test. However, I was planning on being a technical major and I had never taken Calc 2, so thought it was best to take that first. I had to sign some forms and explain my rationale for wanting to do this, but I ended up taking Calc 2 my first semester. I did get validation credit for Calc 1, though, which is where quite a few people start out.</p>
<p>In other words, when you get to the placmeent tests, do your best so you don't limit your options.</p>
<p>so who would we call?? just the admissions office? or is there some other person there who could tell us what tests to take and what tests won't really count?</p>
<p>You could try calling the admissions office. If they can't give you an answer, I'll see what I can find out when I get back next week. </p>
<p>If you can't find anything and want me to do this, just let me know. And if I don't reference it by about a week and a half from now, remind me.</p>