AP US Government & Politics 2008 scores

<p>So how did you guys do?</p>

<p>(I got a 4! Not bad, but not good either, considering that is what I want to major in!!)</p>

<p>5...was actually expecting a 1. Read barrons for 2 hours the night before.</p>

<p>i got a 3 and i'm extremely disappointed :(</p>

<p>I got a 5, incredible teacher.</p>

<p>I got a 5...self studied in less than a month. (Read PR all night...didn't sleep before the exam).</p>

<p>4 too but I thought i got a 5. Kinda disappointed haha. but i hardly reviewed.. haha I dont even remember how much I studied. I only remember that I finished confidently. boo a 4. Comp gov score surprised me even more though!</p>


<p>10 char</p>

<p>I got a 5 in 2007 and I'm still happy a year later!</p>


<li> I'm disappointed. I wanted a 1. =/</li>

<p>I got a 4. Of course I wanted a 5 but I think some parts of the free response may have given me trouble.</p>

<p>5 =) didn't pay attention in class all year, no review book, only opened text book to scan for hw answers.</p>


<p>Read REA and Barrons, outlined 1999-2007 FRQ before test
Teacher was so great</p>

<p>got a 5, read some of PR</p>

<p>4 :( Thought I'd nailed a 5 for sure once I was done with the test.</p>

<p>4... I'm not dissapointed. I spent like no time for this test or class, and hey I got a 5 on the comparative</p>

<p>5- I had a great teacher who inspired me to be more active in learning about politics and participating in our system.</p>

<p>5 - My teacher was absolutely amazing.</p>

<p>4, I actually thought this test was easier than comparative (which I got a 5 on O_O) not sure how that worked. Plus we studied US first semester and comparative second semester, etc...</p>

<p>A heckuva lot more people take the US test than the comparative, which probably messes around with the scores and curve a bit. 5 on the test for me, had a good teacher and so on.</p>

<li>I think mostly just from CNN and The West Wing, though. My class was a joke. :P</li>