AP US History DBQ

<p>Hi, I had to write a thesis paragraph for a DBQ with the prompt: To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution? Any suggestions for what I wrote?</p>

<p>The definition of an American was essentially a British colonist until the 1750s. From that point to the eve of the American Revolution, the Americans were forced to unite against adversity, and learn how truly unique they were compared to every other culture. The seeds were planted at the Albany Congress, where representatives began to theorize about organizing themselves into a collective unit, further emphasized by Benjamin Franklin (Document A). In response to the Boston Tea Party, Britain closed the port, enticing the other colonies to supply the Bostonians in united spirit (Document G), after they realized the implications of Britain’s action (Document C). Finally, the American identity was poised to cut its ties with Britain that compromised it. After all the ethical conflicts the Americans underwent, they realized that they were unique spiritually by their values (Document H). This evolution of unity and identity was catalyzed by Benjamin Franklin.</p>

<p>The thesis itself sounds good.</p>

<p>I don’t know if it is just my teacher, but he says not to mention specific documents in the intro. Use the documents as your supporting evidence within the body of your paper and just state the main ideas of the paper in your thesis. As I was reading it, it sounded like miniature paper and not a thesis tot he paper… if that makes any sense. But that could just be my writing style.</p>

<p>Other than that, it sounds like you have a good understanding of the topic. Also make sure to bring in outside evidence other than what is given in the documents themselves and you should have an A+ paper.</p>

<p>Yeah, I wasn’t sure whether to do that or not. Thanks for your input.</p>