Hey guys this my very first discussion(second post) and I been debating about this question this whole time.
Here’s my schedule for next year first:
Junior Year:
-CP Lit(Regular English)
-Pre-Calculus(Mathematics-no honors offered just regular)
-AP Physics 1
-AP Us v US?
-Arabic 3
-AP Computer Science Principles
-Drama 1
-Concert Choir
(chorale and concert choir are before school every other day)
Anyways, next year I can choose to take APUSH or regular us history and I don’t know which to choose. This year, I took AP gov but stuff happened to me this year(personal problems) that resulted in me not doing as great as I could have done.
However, I was still recommended for AP US History and I am better at history than government. I do have some appreciation for history so if I take it, it would not be a class I took to make my app look good for colleges. Also, many close friends are starting a study group so in terms of that I know if I struggle I will get the help I need. But I’m a HUGE PROCRASTINATOR, but seem to turns things in on time(95% time). So what do you guys think? If you need more information about my stats I can provide some of that too.
If it also helps my major is Computer Science/Game Design and or Development
I think you should take APUSH! If you love history, you will reap so many intrinsic benefits from that class. For me, it was much easier to get a good grade in the class than it was to do well on the exam, but that could differ with another teacher. While it could be a challenge, I think it’s totally worth it. It would also diversify your advanced classes this year since your current schedule already shows an aptitude for math and science rather than humanities.
Take apush. You like history and your schedule isn’t overwhelming. With apush it’d be just the right amount of challenging. And since you were recommended for it it means your teacher is confident you can handle it. 
hagen, I know it its different for every school but how long did it take to you to do notes/studying/hw the reason why I am asking is I know we will do study guides, but one of those teacher is new to teaching AP us history (teached regular history before, now AP us history) and the other teacher I had for AP Human Geo freshman year and she is nice and all, but I felt she was not the best at explaining things(plus she focused on the 4/5 of seniors in the class vs the freshmen who could of needed the help a little bit more). So, in terms of that I am still looking into it, but I will take your advice about it! Also, what are your thoughts about this post?
Thanks guys for the posts, as of right now I am leaning towards AP US History, however I may make a change to my schedule resulting in rigor, which IMO may solidify if I take AP or regular but I not 100 sure as of rn. Any classes you think I should take junior year?
If your school offers Honors English (or if you’re good at English and your school offers AP English Language) those would be good classes to have.
Taking APUSH switches your schedule to a rigorous schedule, and adding Honors English would only strengthen it.
beside APUSH, choosing a more rigorous English class depends on your level in English. If you got a B+ or A in regular sophomore English, taking Honors English 11 would make sense.
You see other than English, I will be more than happy too do advanced classes in all subject areas, however I may just take APUSH, but do you guys think there is another class I should take in place of APUSH so regular us history and …
Anyways, in terms of English I hate with a passion(it shouldn’t exist) and I’m bad at it so it wont work for other than regular. Also, for maybe more info on about any other classes I should take look at my second thread, theres slightly more info on it. Sorry guys I am new at this thing but have loved reading these CC responses and thought I would try one out to see if others would help me XD.
Then I’d stick with apush and the rest of your schedule as is.
OK thank you for your awesome advice!