AP US History?

<p>I'd like to start off by saying Hi in my first post here so...Hi =D</p>

<p>Moving on, I know there have been a few topics on APUSH but I need your opinions.</p>

<p>Next year Im going to be taking AP Physics, Pre Cal Honors, and AP English Language, I'm taking AP Euro this year and passing with a solid B, do you think Im able to squeeze in AP Us next year?</p>

<p>I skipped a grade so im not sure if the workload will be too much and Im also a lazy bum.</p>

<p>Opinions highly appreciated</p>

<p>Dont want to double post but…</p>


<p>Post in AP Preparation section</p>

<p>As in the AP test prep section?</p>


<p>APUS is so boring. Its just memorizing facts, =/</p>

<p>I find American history more interesting than European history, and like APUSH quite a bit.</p>

<p>USH is fun, idk about AP but I’m taking IB and it’s awesomee</p>

<p>APUSH was pretty easy. I did nothing and got A’s in the class and a 5 on the exam. Ap english isnt much work either. AP physics is crazy hard though.</p>

<p>What happened in the Election of 1800? Someone quick tell me!</p>

<p>it depends on ur school. ask the upperclassman if the ap class is intense. at my school, it wasn’t, so i would say do it. but things may be different at your school</p>

<p>APUSH is the most time consuming class out of all I’ve had</p>

<p>APUSH was the hardest class I have ever taken. You have to spend a lot of time on it</p>

<p>“What happened in the Election of 1800? Someone quick tell me!”</p>

<p>Peaceful transition from Federalists to Demo-Repubs with TJ elected :)</p>

<p>if you enjoy history, the gruesome amount of reading isnt so bad
and the test isn’t impossible
I 5d it</p>

<p>hahahaha,^I just finished a DBQ about that
So yeah, APUSH is regarded by many people as one of the hardest and most time consuming APs
But if you know how to manage your time, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Make sure to study EVERYTHING. The DBQ question on the test last year tested on the Vietnam War and LBJ’s foreign and domestic plans. Everyone else in my class had been studying only until the beginning of Kennedy’s administration and bombed that section badly. I was the only person in the class who passed. (I got a 4 :frowning: and :))</p>

<p>APUSH is easy if u have a good teacher… you’ll be okay</p>