Ap ush

<p>Hey everyone, I'm taking AP USH right now at school but that class is very easy to the point where we don't really have to read the textbook. I'm still grasping the basic knowledge of each chapter because we have classroom discussions about them but my question is: how long should i start preparing for the AP exam to get a 5? I'm going to by the AMSCO book because i heard that was the best. So when should i start reading that book and doing the practice tests? Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>you should start studying by the beginning of April, so one month before AP Exams. This will give you plenty of time to finish the AMSCO book and also do a couple of practice exams if you need to.</p>

<p>To tell you the truth, I’m a bit worried that you say the class is easy, which no APUSH course should be, considering the level of the material and the sheer amount of it they expect you to know in detail on the exam.
In my experience the exam has always been about those details, not the “basic concepts”. So I would recommend that you do start on the textbook (even if the class doesn’t require it, the exam likely will) and get that guidebook as soon as possible.</p>

<p>@CheckeredTurtle: I feel the same way. APUSH at my school is a joke. Whereas every single other AP course is hard to get into (private school, of course), they basically open the floodgates for APUSH (prob b/c it’s a junior year course?) and of course, APUSH is the first class where people got 1s on the AP tests… :(</p>

<p>They teach the same exact thing they teach to normal US history only that they give us less homework…and I feel that APUSH is not a test to blow off. It looks really hard (so many details, etc)…</p>

<p>Sorry, not trying to be redundant, but i agree APUSH should be a difficult class, yet my school and im sure a majority of schools just preach and focus solely on the basics of the material instead of going indepth. My APUSH is not exactly a joke, because if you do not read the chapters you will get burned on the unit tests, but if your ok with getting a B and not doing anything, then this class would suit your tastes. Zaboda, if you want a 5 on the test you have to put in the time, read the chapters, review them, and dream about them, then around march-april focus on the AMSCO text. Practice makes perfect, so throwing in a few practice tests wouldnt hurt…</p>

<p>Hahaha, my APUSH is so easy, we have so much busy work that we get automatic credit just for doing. Basically everyone has an A.</p>