AP WORLD: What did you think?

<p>You are fine collegeaddiction</p>

<p>and now can get extended core. Sweet</p>

<p>2 POV are sufficient in past years. That's what I had</p>

<p>And yes, stanford, it's a 5</p>

<p>ur raw score wud be like 85 stanford, so ya that is a 5</p>

<p>stix only thing is my memory is failing me...so i unno if i labeled my documents or not or if i did 9 or not o.o...my head is hurting >.<</p>

<p>I'm thinking the same think collegeaddiction. I'm getting so old I cannot for the life of me remember if I mentioned Document 4 and whether or not I wrote that conclusion for the comp essay. Oh dear.</p>

<p>Yeah me too. I know I used all, I know I group 4 ways, I know I had 2 POV (I really REALLY better not have messed one of those up, don't think so though) and a sweet thesis +backround history etc. So it's either a 6 (if I missed a POV) or a 9</p>

<p>I just need to remember all those MC I had problems with. There were quite a few.</p>

<p>i know...gasp! Imma go watch spongebob...always makes me feel btr...that yellow square...mhmmm...get some ramen 2...then on 2 studying Human...yipeee...next wek study for finals....yay....I think i have no life -.-...SCHOOL MAKES ME EMO :(</p>

<p>I just realized I wrote about a topic not in the timeframe of one of the prompts. That sounds dangerous, hopefully I get at least some points? :|</p>


<p>MC: Fairly easy. I didn't omit any though. That worries me. I just can't bring myself to omit anything, because I feel like I can make educated guesses.
DBQ: Soo easy. My teacher totally called it!
Change over time: Easy as well, although I feel like I left out something...
C/C: Some bsing involved. Totally hated the time period they chose.</p>

<p>how far off were u o.o. cause from wut i heard (i self-studied) was that u could allude to out of timeframe topics but just have solid discussions on them</p>

<p>Well, I dunno what you consider far off history-wise hehehe. It's pretty far off though, about a whole century....XD</p>

<p>Great, now I'm scared. I felt pretty good about the essay too.</p>

<p>I Really Wanna Talk About This>>>>>>>>>>>>> Im Not Sure If I Used The Correct Facts For The Essays................. So Many Things Need To Be Cleared Up!!</p>

<p>It's okay to have wrong info. It doesn't count against you just as long as you have enough correct info.</p>

<p>And I alluded to present events (it's actually an extended core point) in all of the essays.</p>

<p>Seriously-It's borderline either 9 or 6 on all the essays and borderline 4 or 5 (stupid MC) I hate it! I felt confident but not anymore!</p>

<p>Ok so on the M/C i think i got like 50-55 right or probably more...on the dbq i beasted it but i didnt put the pov or missing voice so it probably killed me....in the change over time i killed it b/c i know i used alot of info...and the last essay i BSed my way through it but i think i did ok on it...what do u think i received?</p>

<p>I feel the same way stix. I predicted a 5 but maybe I'll just go for a 3...that way, I'll be happy with a three, pleseantly surpirsed wth a 4 and freaking ecstatic with a 5.</p>

<p>i used the whole booklet except for 1 page.. is that good? hahah i write kinda big but i did use a lot of information, although they werent necessarily specific..</p>

<p>Mc was ok..not as hard as i imagined..probaly missed like 10-15</p>

<p>DBQ i owneddd i had good groups
CCot was hard...bsed all of it
C/C not horrible..some made up facts ha</p>

<p>i hope for a 4</p>

<p>hope fora 5</p>

<p>For my DBQ I used ALL the documents (which I'm pretty sure you have to use all of them) and did analysis and POV for all of them. Did several additional documents, three solid groups and briefly explained them, and I feel like I destroyed the DBQ.</p>

<p>On the CCOT; I was able to come up with several changes but not very many continuities, so I plugged in some generic topics. I felt like I may have gotten a bit off topic, but I tried my hardest to link the material I was using to the prompt. </p>

<p>On the comparative I didn't feel so confident. </p>

<p>I'm predicting 55 right, 10 wrong, 5 exempted on my Multiple Choice. A 9 on my DBQ. A 6/7 on my CCOT and a 4/5 (or I may have completely tanked it, got my thesis though :D) on my Comparative.</p>

<p>I really want to know my scores now. When is it that you can call collegeboard and ask them for the scores...although I don't know if it's worth the $8.</p>

<p>You guys, do you actually have to discuss what each document is saying, or can you just include it in your groupings, and have a blanket statement that covers more than one? For doc 2 (pic), I didn't really talk about it, but included it under general statements for one of my groupings, I just wrote like "doc. 2 and 8 illustrate the point that..." Is that okay?</p>