AP1 and AP2 together in the same semester...

After some mulling decided to go the Associate route for my Nursing Degree. It has it’s pros and cons. It’s inexpensive and close to where I live. Cons job market is tough for ADN nurses, but not impossible to find work. The Associate programs are the most competitive nursing program’s in the State I live in.

So to get in you need C+ and 60 or higher on the TEAS. Realistically you need an 80 or higher on your TEAS, A or higher in AP1, and a B or higher in your Science Prerequites.

I have a B in Chem and Micro. Have a B+ in Psych not a prereq, but needed for the program. A- in Intermediate Algebra, some concern how my W in a Summer Math class will effect me. Then transfer courses that were accepted at the school from my Bachelor’s degree not prerequites, but fulfill necessary classes for the nursing program.

So I need to achieve an A in AP1, have a B-, and a B+ in AP2, have a C+. I also need to score 10 points higher on my TEAS.

Going to take the TEAS before school starts in August and maybe during the Fall semester hoping to get an 80 or higher.

Now the crux is should I take AP1 and AP2 together.

Application has to be in by January. I can take AP2 in the Spring, but uncertain if that will carry into the application process.

I can chance it all and take them together.

So far I am signed up for AP1 Tuesday and Thursday eves. AP2 is a 90 minute lab on Wednesdays and classroom requirement is online.

Feedback or suggestions???

If I take only AP1 I’ll take Lifespan this Fall as well.

Then Stats and AP2 in the Spring.

@WCSU1987 What semester do you want to start the nursing program? You wrote that you have to submit the application by January, and most Spring semesters start in January, so I’m assuming you want to start the program in Summer 2018 (if that’s an option at your college) or in Fall 2018 (probably the better option since usually more classes are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters).

Regardless of when you want to start though, this all depends on how many + which classes you still have to take as pre reqs. I think you only have AP1, AP2, Lifespan, & Stats left, so you can space out the classes in different semester if you want.

But will you be working while taking these classes? Lifespan wasn’t that difficult of a class at my college, but Stats was a bit difficult because my professor made us memorize all the formulas. AP1 & AP2 definitely required a ton of studying time too. I have seen people take AP1 & AP2 the same semester though. It is possible, but just know that there will be a LOT of memorizing and tests in both classes could be the same week (my college tries to prevent this from happening but I’m not sure how other schools do it, so maybe find out?). One good thing though would be that the classroom requirement for AP2 is online. This will help if you do decide to take both at the same time because you can do the work whenever you want and don’t have to spend time going to + coming back from class.

With that said, take classes that will fit into your schedule. If you have a stressful full time job and are taking classes part time, then perhaps take AP1 & Lifespan first, and then AP2 & Stats last. But if you will be able to have a lot of studying time, then take AP1 & AP2 together, and leave Lifespan & Stats last.