Apartment bus route hour extension?

Is it possible to send some kind of petition to UA to request apt bus route hour extension?

I m gonna live at CEV, which is about 30 minutes away from football stadium, but I have labs on Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm to 6:20pm, which is past the bus hour.

I already met a guy who will be living at CEV this coming Fall and Spring and he was fine with giving me rides but things can happen…

That won’t change anything in this case. The apartment complexes pay huge amounts of money for bus service. An extension of hours is highly unlikely to happen if the property is contracting with Crimson Ride.

Oh okay :frowning: I guess I have to deal with it.
Oh what about zipcar? Does Zipcar operate in the evening? I heard it’s really cheap

The problem with zip car is that you would need to return it to a zip car parking space, which would also be on campus.
Have you considered a bicycle?

What do you mean, return it to the zip car parking space? I thought its like taxi cab;call the cab, go wherever you want and pay?

Zip car is self drive. You are thinking of something like Uber, but that was banned in Tuscaloosa


What is ‘CEV’?

“Thirty minutes away” seems pretty far, do you mean thirty minutes walking??

He’s talking about Campus Evolution which has been renamed from University Village. It would be a short drive, but a brisk, thirty minute walk to or from campus without sidewalks for a good portion. They are out past Rosedale Court. His best option is going to be getting a bike or catching s ride.

Wonder how much a cab would cost? If it is only twice per week for the semester, that might add up to only the cost of a few times using a zipcar.

@paul2752 if you do take rides from another student on a regular basis, don’t forget to chip in for gas, or occasionally buy the driver a meal.
Would it be possible to switch the lab section to an earlier time? Talk with your professor and explain your situation.

Oh, I just found out that it is not a lab,but a recitation of CH 232-001 Ochem 2.

Unfortunately, there is only one section for Ochem 2 this semester :frowning: .

Again check with the professor, sometimes the recitation period is used for exams and reviews, sometimes not.

i agree with the idea of getting a bike. But, if you have to ride it at night, then make sure you have a light, reflectors, and are wearing clothes/backpack that also have reflecting materials.

There is also 348-Ride Check into that. That is free.