Apartment recommendations?

<p>Would appreciate any feedback, good and bad, regarding the apartment rental process in Blacksburg. Seems awfully early to be submitting a contract for the 2011/2012 school year but we are hearing that we need to jump on it quickly. Student and parent feedback/perspective are welcome. Any tips that might help "newbies" navigate this process and make the right choice? Our student most likely will not have a car next year, so that will factor into the decision. Thanks!</p>

<p>I was going to post this same question! There was an apartment open house last week where my DD picked up info on several apartment complexes in the area. Yes, it would be nice to get some feedback from those who have been through this process already. Thanks!</p>

<p>Make sure wherever you go is on the bus route. Doesn’t matter how nice it is, accessibility is key. Being within walking distance is huge too. Now is about the time to get started if you want to live in one of the big complexes. </p>

<p>My only first hand experience is The Village. It’s… ok. If something breaks in your apartment you’ll never get it fixed, but I guess it wasn’t that bad otherwise. It’s expensive for what you get, but you DO get a washer and drier… If you renew they may decide to throw you into another apartment with only a couple hours to complete the move (hope you can get the day off work over the summer to move!) Also, while the upper management is alright the regular people that they have ‘helping’ you are students that are doing it for free rent, and one actually told me they wouldn’t help me because it was ‘a lot of paperwork.’ Going over his head got it fixed but still.</p>

<p>Foxridge is pretty nice, but I don’t like the location. There’s a walking trail to campus but I wouldn’t really consider it easy walking distance. Then again I’ve never tried. There are a lot of bust stops but miss that last bus and you’ve got a hike.</p>

<p>Avoid the Mill avoid the Mill avoid the Mill.</p>

<p>To be honest if you want the best price/quality ratio you’ve gotta hunt around a bit, because you aren’t going to find it in a complex. There are a ton of private/single property renters in the area. Thing is, you’ll have to wait till later in the year when all the previous leases are running out to start looking.</p>

<p>Are there a lot of pet friendly apartments?</p>

<p>It’ll restrict your choices a bit, but there are certainly some. Most will allow it if you pay a fee and the pet is under a certain size I think.</p>

<p>I’ve only had the experiences of collegiate suites and the village. I’m at the village now but really miss collegiate suites. I think it’s the best deal, the rooms are twice as big and you get your own bathrooms for less cost of the village. </p>

<p>However both are party hot spots so if your looking for something quiet. Avoid both. </p>

<p>If you already have roommates the village isn’t that bad, but it’s very noisy, hard to park, puke everywhere on weekends (not joking) and the walls are 1 inch thin so I can hear the conversations of the people in the room above me all the time. Bass can get annoying here too. </p>

<p>Look for places like Windsor Hills if you want something quiet.</p>