Apartment Sublease Experience?

<p>It appears as if my S has successfully found someone to sublease his apartment for the summer while he will be working at his co-op position in Houston.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any experience, positive or negative, with subleasing? I plan to have S contact landlord tomorrow about this possibility also.</p>

<p>The first rule of subletting/reletting is always clear it with your landlord first.</p>

<p>Is he actually subletting or reletting the apartment? </p>

<p>He is actually subletting. The plan is to speak with the landlord tomorrow about the specifics. I was just curious if anyone has any additional insight from previous experience.</p>

<p>Can anyone weigh in on their experiences with renting out their apartment bedrooms over the summer months? I’m not sure my S wants to do this yet, but just curious how it works, what issues cropped up, and what planning/checklists did people use to ensure there were no problems? Do you completely vacate the bedroom or leave your stuff there? </p>

<p>My daughter sublet (summer months only) from seniors who were graduating and going back to Korea and had no issues. The following year she and one of her roommates sublet their rooms and that worked great too. All personal items were removed and the sublets were for the summer only with the leases ending at the end August. All parties signed new contracts with the landlords, and damage deposits were returned to the original renters at the end of the summer when the lease was up. She lives in a town where most housing comes furnished for students so no one had to deal with any furnishings.</p>