<p>Is now the best time to be looking for an apartment?
Also, could those of you who are already living in an apartment give me information regarding the average price per person that I should be looking for? I heard that:
~$400-500/person is average
~$600 is pushing it
~$700 is too much</p>
<p>Are these figures correct?
My friends are already looking to lease an apartment at this time, but I'm not sure if it's too early right now. </p>
<p>$500 - good price but bathroom will probably not be that nice and kitchen won’t be nice. Probably quite a ways away from campus
$700 - a little bit better, probably will be closer or have nicer interiors</p>
<p>Right now I’m paying $800 for a bedroom with my own bathroom and garage. The kitchen is also new with new fridge and granite (or faux granite) countertops. Its about 5 minutes by bus or 15-20 minutes walk to the edge of campus.</p>
<p>We’re looking for a 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom living arrangement, along with a living room and kitchen. Two people in each bedroom, so four of us total.</p>
<p>The student budget they estimate for off-campus students is about $4400 less. I don’t know how it works for everyone, but I’m guess they’ll take $4400 off your aid if its possible to do so.</p>