APCS B a-g eligibility

So I got a WF in AP Comp Sci B due to scheduling issues and a ruthless AP contract my school subjects its students to sign before taking any online AP courses. It basically says that if you drop out of an online AP class, which you preregister for at the beginning of the school year, you get a WF even if the course hasn’t started. My school does this to discourage wasting money on unused registrations for online AP courses from its third-party.

Here’s the rundown: I took APCS A first semester and got an A. Come second semester, I found out that the APCS B curriculum is obsolete since the AP exam only tests for APCS A’s curriculum. Therefore, I opted out to take an extended online AP Physics C course that goes from second semester to the end of summer so that I would get some worthwhile credits. I got a WF in APCS B, which is glaring at me on my junior year’s second semester on my transcript. I chose to opt out of APCS B at the advice of my older brother as well as the chance that I’d be able to explain it in my college application.

Now that college apps are right around the corner, I’m getting pretty antsy. I found a glimmer of hope when I found out that APCS B is not considered an a-g course, only APCS A is. Hence the question, will the WF in APCS B affect me even though it wasn’t in an a-g course? If so, how badly? And are there any ways I can explain my situation and have the AP Physics C grade count instead?

I’d be surprised if it weren’t on the list as an elective but, don’t guess, Use this tool to look up your school and see for yourself.


They will see your full transcript eventually. You’ll have an opportunity (in your essay) to explain a few bad grades but a GPA in the 3s will, likely, keep you out of the top UCs.

What are the rest of your stats?

Yeah AP Comp Sci isn’t on the list for my school since it uses a third party online provider. The third party says only AP Comp Sci A is the a-g course, not B.

The problem is that I opted out of APCS B and got a WF before I even started the course, due to my school’s AP contract. Therefore, it’ll be on my transcript, but I think I have to explain the situation in the special comments section?

Considering that the WF is replaced by my AP Physics grade, which I had an A in, my UC GPA would be around 3.93 or a bit higher

Oops, I meant capped UC GPA would be a 3.93. My fully weighted is around a 4.2, unweighted is 3.65.
