Appeal Documentation

I recently lost financial aid eligibility due to unsatisfactory academic requirements. I am planning on completing courses at a community college approved by my university, to meet those requirements. I should be able to do this all within the semester of Spring 2018. I want to go back to main campus Fall 2018 with financial aid, but is that possible? Because technically, I wouldn’t regain my financial aid eligibility until the end of Spring 2018. Is that enough time for my financial aid to be reinstated? Will I even be able to fill out the FAFSA before I meet these requirements? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense. My head is spinning.

Every school has their own requirements for meeting Satisfactory academic progress.

You will need to contact YOUR school to discuss this.

Are you taking courses only in the spring term 2018? Are you taking steps to correct whatever caused your grades to be poor? If these are successful, you might be able to appeal with your college.

I left school in the middle of last semester due to my struggles with depression and anxiety. I am filing an appeal with my school in order to regain my eligibility for financial aid. I have been seeing my general practitioner for medication and I have been attending therapy. I am planning on getting documentation from both of these sources, but I am wondering, what exactly should the documentation say? What should I ask my doctors to write?