Appeal to be an in-state student in VaTech

Hello guys, I have an issue and I hope you could help me. So I have received a letter that writes i am considered as an out of state student. Right now at NVCC, I am an instate student. VaTech told me that i am an out of state. I have been here in The US, specifically in VA, for three years now. I am 20 y/o so I am considered as a dependent pf my parents. My parents are not considered as VA residents because they havent stayed here in VA for a year straight because of my dad’s job in the PHilippines. So, I am writing a letter of appeal for reconsideration, I have my documents: vehicle registration, state taxes, VA DL. My question is: Can I just use my documents and write the letter myself even if I am still a dependent?

I also have a question about the legal guardianship, If my parents are in my country, and We want to have a legal guardianship to my aunt who is a US citizen, Where should we get the legal guardianship? here in the US or in my country where my parents are?

Each state has different rules and requirements… but almost always if you are a dependent of your parents, and they are not considered residents of the state, then you will almost certainly be denied residency. Community colleges are usually a lot more lenient (which is why NVCC is probably okay), but state universities and colleges are pretty strict and make it very, very difficult to establish residency for tuition purposes. You can file your appeal, but be prepared for the very likely outcome that you will be denied.

It’s easy to find the requirements for in-state VA residency online. Unfortunately, you should expect to be denied. State universities are very strict about residency requirements.