
I was denied admission into Purdue West Lafayette. I appealed on April 7th and went ahead and emailed admissions asking how long it would take to get a final decision. They told me 7-14 days, it has now been 17…I’m very anxious. Should I continue waiting or give them a call? How long did it take you guys to get your appeal decision?

The only reason I’m kind of on the edge of my seat is I am cutting it close on the deadline to accept offers from other universities.

Hi, I was denied jan 15, sent in an appeal about a week later, and i just got my decision last week. I kept bothering my admissions counselor though, and she told me that they can’t guarantee decisions will be released before may 1st. hope this helps and you get in! (i got in, btw, so there is hope)

They may not get back to you before May 1. If you haven’t heard by then, you will need to put down a deposit at a college that did accept you.

If you are accepted to Purdue after May 1 and want to go there, you can decline the school where you accepted a spot by May 1, but you will probably lose the deposit. Good luck.

Ended up getting accepted today!! Boiler up! Super excited.

@osopwpoej Congratulations and best of luck at Purdue!