UCSB appeals for class of 2019 or any class, please i just want advise, or should i just prepare myself and go to a CC and tranfer from there? does anyone know if i can transfer in one year if im majoring in film and media studies or communications

UC’s require 60 semester or 90 quarter units for transfer, usually Junior standing. AP credits could contribute to those units. Here are the Stats for last years appeals: http://■■■■■■■■■■■■/home/fall-2014-last-year-frosh-waitlist-appeal-cancellation-numbers/

Appeals only work if you have new and compelling information not originally disclosed on your application.

do they look at your application again, then or do they only look at the new information you have to offer? i had a 3.6 gpa with a 1600 SAT score and I didnt put that i got into NHS, that i got a Latino scholar award, that i intern for a greek theatre and that i got a bilingual compentency award, do you think that will wow them or are my stats to low?

UC’s and CSU’s can’t consider race in their admissions, so the URM status as a latino doesn’t give you an advantage. Your SAT score was too low for the UC’s.

Brush up on your word knowledge:
-advice=an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do, it’s a noun, rhymes with “rice”. “I need some advice”
-advise=to counsel, I am going to advise you not to sue her (advise rhymes with size).

-“to low” means the direction you are going it should be “too low”, too means “very”.

i obviously wrote that in a rush so if you could stop being unnecessarily rude that’d be nice.

Indeed NHS won’t help you at any CA public schools. Didn’t you need a PSAT of ~ 185 to get NHS?

Good luck wherever you end up!

@joseruiz67, just trying to help and didn’t think I was being rude, just honest.

Our son (m’ijo) is URM latino, all of his accolades for National Hispanic scholar, commendations from congressmen, NHS, Eagle Scout, etc. weren’t worth a hill of beans for admission to his UC’s and privates.

What they wanted was great test scores and over a 4.0 gpa, which he achieved- 2370 SAT, got him into UCLA and USC. He ultimately went to Caltech.

Most California universities require two years at a CC before transferring.

Nobody likes a Grammar Nazi. @"aunt bea"‌