<p>I'm currently a sophomore at SMC and I applied to UCLA for the Fall 2012 semester. Unfortunately I made an error on my application; I entered 2 incorrect grades and over the last 3 months or so I also had about 5 of my prior grades changed. These grade changes and my correct grades place me at a 3.94 GPA. Would UCLA look down upon all these things going on in my appeal even though my GPA sits at 3.94?</p>
<p>422 views and no reply? come on guys help me out here</p>
<p>Bump, need help!</p>
<p>Are you asking if you should appeal? Either that or call up Admissions and tell them about the change in your GPA. I am sure they will reconsider your app.</p>
<p>At the very least, you can reapply for next year with your new GPA. I don’t know if anyone here can help you though, because that’s a pretty unique situation. You should call admissions.</p>
<p>Stop sitting around and waiting for people on an anonymous message board to tell you what to do. If you want to go to UCLA, then appeal. The worst that can happen is that they say no and you’re in the exact situation you are in already.</p>