<p>Hello Everyone! I would like to tell anyone who is applying or thinking about applying to Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, that I am your official Apple Campus Rep. I am here to answer any questions about Apple at all (technical or general) as well as any questions about Rutgers University itself. Thinking about buying a computer for school? Thinking about buying an iPod? Ask me any questions you have! I am a sophomore in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Program and have lived on and off campus. I am also a musician; I play drums, guitar, and bas guitar. Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone!</p>
<p>Great question! You get a great discount because you attend Rutgers. Normally students get a certain amount of money, depending on the model, off of the computer and the Apple Care Protection Plan, which I will explain upon request. These discounts include $50-$100 off a Macbook, $150-$200 off of a Macbook Pro, and The Apple Care Protection Plan is marked down from $249 to $183 for the Macbook and from $349 to $239 for the Macbook Pro.</p>
<p>But here is the even better part! Rutgers students get an extra $100 off the protection plan for the Macbook Pro, bringing it to $139 and an extra $75 off the Macbook protection plan, bringing it to $108!</p>
<p>Do you know if there are going to be any awesome deals like last year? Kinda like the free printer and iPod with $100 off laptop thing? That was amazing I’m def getting a mac if that deal’s around.</p>
<p>The deal with the free printer is going on right now! It is $100 off the certain models of printers on Apple’s website and a few model’s are $100, therefore it is free! The greatest thing is, the rebate is filled out completely online!! That means no more mailing away UPC’s and receipts; all you do is go to <a href=“http://apple.com/promo[/url]”>http://apple.com/promo</a> and fill out the rebate there.</p>
<p>There are also rebates of $30 off MobileMe and $30 off the new iWork '09!</p>
<p>The Back-to-School Promotion from previous years, where Apple offered a free iPod with the purchase of a computer, has not yet been announced but historically has not been until the summer til the beginning of the school year. Stay tuned for specifics on that deal.</p>
<p>If we do decide to get a Macbook (which I am considering) what else would we need to get (besides printer) to make it efficient to use on campus? Like any cables/Ethernet card?</p>
<p>Well, the first thing is that you need a printer cable! Unfortunately printer manufacturers don’t include the standard USB with your purchase, but you can purchase that online along with your order or any place else (even at the campus center stores).</p>
<p>As far as other things, I would definitely say to get an ethernet cable of decent length (>6ft) and maybe a case to protect your laptop (you don’t want it getting scratched now do you?) Of course the most important thing is the AppleCare Protection Plan, which gives you peace of mind. For 3 years you are covered if anything goes wrong with your laptop (of course excluding accidental damage). You also have 3 years of phone support as well so you can ask any technical questions you would like. Apple’s service is award winning and has been voted the Best Computer Support of all computer manufacturers many times (ConsumerReports, Computer Magazine, etc.)</p>
<p>Fire91: If you let me know your intended major and some information about what you would like to do with your computer in general, I can speak to you about selecting the right computer for you and explain to you specifically why you would LOVE a Mac.</p>
<p>Speaking of majors, for Engineering, we need to have a dedicated video card. Does the MacBook Pro come with that? I’m pretty sure that’s what it is called so yeah that and boot camp would be the 2 things necessary for my major. Do Pro’s have dedicated video cards instead of integrated?</p>
<p>I am a Computer Engineer. What engineering major are you? The Macbook Pro does have both an onboard and dedicated video card which is quite amazing. It can switch to the onboard video card to save battery and the dedicated battery for more graphic intensive processes. I can’t think of an Engineering major that would really “need” a dedicated video card, because it is more useful for tasks like advanced video editing, video gaming, and other such tasks, but let me know what major you are thinking ad I will also speak to someone in that major to verify.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, with most Engineering Majors you do have to end up installing windows at some point if you want to run the software on your laptop. But fortunately it is very simple to do so, and it works EXTREMELY efficiently. Boot camp is free with every mac; it allows you to boot to Windows, but you do need a copy of Windows to install. </p>
<p>If any of you prospective students are visiting Rutgers at any point, please feel free to let me know and I can meet with you to speak about Apple products and even just general questions about Rutgers. My contact info is posted at the top of this thread.</p>
<p>I have spoken with a friend of mine who is also a Sophomore, but is in Biomedical Engineering and he said that to the best of his knowledge, Biomedical uses mostly Matlab which is software that does not depend on the graphics card. Though, after thinking more about your question, I have also thought that you may possibly want to get a Macbook Pro for the fact that if you do end up changing your major to another engineering (it’s possible, I’ve seen it happen), which requires Cad software, the graphics card would come into play. </p>
<p>In summation, you may want to think about getting the Macbook Pro for the fact that you would be well equipped to very effectively handle any major you may change to, because plans do change, but if you are really not interested in another engineering AT ALL or a major having to do with graphic design then the Macbook will be perfectly suited for you.</p>
I’m going into the Pharmacy program, but not entirely sure what I’ll need the laptop for besides writing up papers and internet, at this point.</p>
<p>yeah thats what i was thinking, and besides when i get into higher level engineering i think i will need cad programs and such so having that video card will be good. thanks kyle</p>
<p>As far as the Pharmacy major is concerned, I took a look at the Pharmacy curriculum and to the best of my knowledge, it looks as though a Macbook would be perfect for anyone going into the program. Also, keep in mind that the Pharmacy program along with the Engineering Program are the two hardest programs at Rutgers, and many people decide to switch majors, so you never know. Always be open-minded!</p>
<p>Hmm, free printer you say? And I really, really want to get a Macbook (my HP’s too heavy to carry to class). Are these deals somewhat consistent year round? Like, what if I decide that I wanted to get a Macbook for sophomore year, thus putting off purchasing until, say, July/August? Or is it best to consider purchasing within the next two months (especially since my birthday is coming up)?</p>
<p>On a REALLY random note, you don’t happen to be part of the marching band? You’re name sounds familiar, but I really don’t communicate much with people outside of the winds section. Drumline, perhaps since you stated that you play drums?</p>
<p>As far as a time frame of purchasing the computer, historically speaking the deal with a free printer has gone on for quite some time now. As the offer ended, a new offer started the very next day and it has been that way for a while. If it were me, I would want to get rid of the HP as soon as possible lol. But either way it won’t make much a difference in price or anything and also the Macbooks were just refreshed not too long ago there shouldn’t be a new model any time soon.</p>
<p>Funny you should ask, I am in the Marching Band and yes I am in the DrumLine. I’m guessing you are in the Marching Band as well? What do you play?</p>
<p>I NEED to get rid of my HP. Hmm, good – the offer might be around when I officially decide on switching to a Mac. Maybe there might be a bit of change in the pricing, but nevertheless, there is still a deal.</p>
<p>Ooh, Drumline. Yeah I’m in marching band as well. I’m in the clarinet section – just that random section in the back that people tend to forget about, lol. I don’t blame them =)</p>
<p>Yes, there is usually some sort of good deal going on. Also, just so you know, historically speaking pricing has not changed much. Usually the new model takes the place of the old one with the same price, so you just end up getting the newer model for about the same price USUALLY.</p>
<p>I see the clarinet section many time because they were right benind me (I was on the bass drum). What is your name?</p>