Appliances in dorms

<p>Back in the day of limited on-campus dining hall hours, we kept small refrigerators, hot pots (yeah, a relic, I know), etc. in the room. Do students do the same now? Is there room for the extra stuff now that rooms are full of TVs, xboxes (xboxi?) and computers/printers? Would a student use a small fridge or microwave?</p>

<p>Most students have a small refrigerator, many have a microwave, and a few have a coffeemaker. Roommates need to coordinate because only one per room is allowed. You are correct about the space issue. Some students stack the microwave on top of the refrigerator or buy/rent them attached to each other. You also can place the microwave on a shelf of a standalone wall unit. You should be careful about purchasing/leasing a microwave that is too small. Many of my son’s friends used his microwave because theirs was too small for many items. The University requirements for appliances in the resident halls may be found at [Fire</a> Safety Regulations for Residents | Fire Safety | Your Residence Hall | Housing & Residence Life | DSA | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Fire”></p>

<p>Hot pots are 100% not allowed and probably found in 75% of rooms. They’re useful little buggers. There’s a fridge/microwave combo you can get that’s pretty nice, or you can bring your own. I would highly highly recommend having a minifridge and microwave.</p>

<p>Where would one lease the combo unit from?</p>

<p>You should get some flyers from the company when the housing information gets mailed out.</p>

<p>There was a vendor at Freshman Orientation showing the combo unit and taking orders. I would look at the unit first before placing an order. We did not go that route. Rather, we did our shopping at one of the local “big box” stores. We coordinated ahead of time to ensure the store had what we wanted in stock.</p>

<p>The ones from the vendor are alright and you don’t have to worry about hauling it there. It’d probably be cheapest to get them used on Craigslist or something. Especially if you live near a college and look right about now.</p>

<p>I managed to get away with an electric kettle, small rice cooker, and even a crock pot for four years. As long as you use them when you’re around, you should be fine. I wouldn’t leave any banned appliance on and plugged in while you were away from the dorm. If it’s just sitting in your room unplugged and your RA asks, tell them you bought it for a friend and haven’t given it to them yet or something. I never had an RA ask, and I lived in 3 different dorms.</p>

<p>DS and his roommate decided to have one buy the refrigerator and the other the microwave. The microwave was stacked on top of the refrigerator and both were used frequently. Most students can use the microwave to heat up water for tea or hot chocolate. However, if you can’t live without Udon noodles then an electric kettle is probably indispensable. As long as an appliance doesn’t generate open heat I think there isn’t any risk of some knucklehead starting a fire. </p>

<p>Wall Mart and Target in Christiansburg sell many microwaves during move-in week.</p>