<p>just called hopkins couple weeks back and confirmed my application was complete. Just wondering about my chances. I applied to BME just for the heck of it since I can still be admitted into the college (bio major) </p>
<p>SAT:1370 710M 660V
SATII:690Mathiic 690Chem
GPA:94.5(uw so like a 3.95) like 4.4w
Senior classes: 5 APs, Chem, Eng, CalcBC, Stats, French
Clubs: Interact club (secretary), Newspaper (layout editor), Student government (cabinet), R&G (basically like organizing school activities), Christian action club, college preparation club
Extras: intern at columbia for lab research, Piano for 10 years (taken examinations for), track, 120 hours community service divided among 3 hopitals.
Awards:G. Washington university engineering medal, national honors soc., french honors soc., Piano awards (certificates for examinations)</p>
<p>I go to a parochial school. don't rank but probably top 5-10%.
oyea i got into Boston College EA, so just waiting for JHU, Wash. U, Cornell, and Darthmouth</p>