<p>1) Do I have to pay the application fee before I submit my application online?
2) Does anybody know if i could pay the $65 application fee ONLINE (if so, please let me know where and how)???? or does USC require all undergrad applicants to mail or send money order to USC's Office of Admission cashier????</p>
<p>I have another question, but it has nothing to do with application fee. My previous high school uses quarterly system, and so I have 4 different grades for each 4 quarters. USC's academy history "courses and grades" section is NOT designed for applicants to fill out quarterly grades. And also USC does not mention anything about quarterly system in their application instruction. They only mention semester and trisemester. Has anybody experienced this before and can recommend me what I should do about this?????</p>
<p>if you did the part ii usc app online, when you click submit for your application you’re asked to pay with a credit card online. </p>
<p>my school’s quarterly too. i just used the avgs of the first two quarters together for a semester grade. then did the same for the final two quarters of every year (took the avg and typed that in)</p>
<p>I have a similar question here about app fee…
I submitted my application online ten days ago and I cannot remember if I have submitted the fee or not… Then I checked my credit card record and it seems to tell me that I haven’t submitted any for USC…
And now after I log in to my account I cannot see anything that would let me check if I have payed or not… or how should I pay…
Cauz it says on the website if I submit app online, I must use a credit card… And now they are not letting me do that… So wierd!~
Please help me out… Thanks…
(I phoned and it will not open until Jan.5th…)</p>