Application for College Question

I am new to this area - so, please, forgive me if I ask something that is obvious to other people.

I looked at College App and it seems to ask for listing activities in 9th-12th grades. Is summer before 9th grade considered to be a part of 9th grade? (For ex., the child participated in CTY, John Hopkins Academic Camp, during a summer before 9th grade - should it be listed?).

Thank you!

I searched CC and this was the answer in 2014:

Summer job/activity

Please list the summer job/activity with your rising grade. For example, if you have already completed the 9th grade, list your activity with the 10th grade.

Bopper, I appreciate your reply!
It means that once the child finished 8th grade, the summer activities to be included in college application are beginning.
Thanks again.

Did anybody list their summer activities before freshmen year on the College App?

If you have space and its relevant sure. Things that you did later tend to be more relevant to who you are though

Thank you, Snowfairy137 !