Application is complete email

When did your student receive the application is complete email? DD application had all her materials in since September, but just got the notification today. I was just curious as to when any other applicants got this.

Literally two hours ago.

Haha. Thanks!

@CAmom01 my son hasn’t received his notice yet so you are ahead of us!

Update: Guess what just dropped into the inbox. That was quick!

I believe this notice just acknowledges receipt of everything and confirms that the application will be reviewed for Early Action. This is an earlier turnaround than my daughter two years ago so that’s pretty nice.

Middle of the night last night

And we submitted the app on oct 29 or 30

What’s odd is that this e-mail hasn’t yet been added to the “Notifications” section of the portal. When my daughter applied a couple of years ago, it was definitely there by the time the e-mail went out. So I wonder if they are just swamped with early applications.

Also, the portal message hasn’t changed to the e-mail’s language. It still just says:

“Your application will be reviewed by one of our admission counselors as a part of our early action period. During the review we may request additional materials. You will be notified by email when a decision is made so that you can check back here for updates on your application status. Visit our web site to view decision notification dates.”

@JBStillFlying same exact thing for DD’s.

Same here on the portal. Kid just got email yesterday. Had all materials in at least a month ago.