application major choice: computer science vs MIS

I am currently in the process of applying to TAMU and can’t decide if I should apply as a computer science or MIS major. I know the engineering school is very difficult to get into so I don’t know if I should go for it or just play it safe with MIS. I have a 3.6 gpa, 80 service hours, a good amount of extracurriculars, and 25 on ACT/ 1200 on SAT

When applying to A&M, you will put a major in engineering that interests you and if you were accepted, you would be placed in general engineering. You would apply to a specific major in the spring, or the following fall, if you did not complete the necessary courses with the required grades during Freshman year. So, not only do you have to apply to compete now, just to get into general engineering, you would be applying and competing again to get into to the desired major.

What are your score breakdowns and what maths have you taken?

My highest ACT is 25 and my highest SAT is 1200, which I know isn’t great but I’m a bad test taker so I think my grades and other qualitites will help make up for my poor scores (I took the ACT 4 times and SAT 3 times and saw little improvement ). I have taken Algebra I & II, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus. I also heard the whole application process for engineering is different is that true?

@confusedtx What is your class rank?

The application process for engineering changed with the class of 2021 (the current A&M freshman class). Prior to that, the COE had rolling admissions. Now, every applicant for engineering goes under review. The first hurdle however, is you must be accepted into the university before you are reviewed for engineering.