Application materials missing? Whhhaaatt?


<p>I submitted one of my early action applications last night (it is due today) and I realized it said that some application materials are missing! It was on the common application.. so if you are familiar with it PLEASE HELP ME</p>

<p>It said something about having to invite my counselors or teachers? I didn't do it before because I thought I didn't need to. My counselor has already sent in my transcript and recommendation, and so have my teachers! (this includes the common app stuff they had to fill out). </p>

<p>So what do I do? Will they get those materials and it'll be fine, even if it doesn't say so on that section of the application? or.. ah.. I don't know what to do! </p>

<p>I'm panicking! I tried calling the admissions office but they've been busy all day! Oohno!</p>

<p>this happened to me as well. you still need to put in the teachers who are writing recommendations for you. just dont put in their email when it asks for it.</p>

<p>Ooh! okay.
So it’s no big deal!?</p>