Application Numbers

<p>Found this in the Amherst Student (school paper):
[The</a> Amherst Student | News | College Admits 31 Percent of Early](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>442 applied ED. 140 accepted (31% acceptance rate)<br>




<p>Harvard University</p>

<p>Number of Applicants recieved: 9,068
Number Admitted: 2,105
Number Deferred: 26
Number of Accepted from Waiting List: 10</p>



<p>Next year’s class looks promising: I’m impressed.</p>



<p>So Amherst locked in enough to fill the poor quota. RD round will be bloodbath for serfs, peasants and petit bourgeois. Brilliant!</p>

<p>If tp wants to admit 25 more full-tuition paying trust fund kids/legacies, that’s his decision.
Williams pulled this stunt and their endowment rose by more than 100 million dollars (8 percent) in less than two months.
Causation, no. Correlation, probably.</p>

<p>Give us back our cereal, our juicy burgers, and our exotic fruit juices.
Stop making us leap over puddles of soy sauce.</p>

<p>Every institution has quotas. Let blood run in the streets. </p>

<p>Preferably not on the way to Val, though.</p>