Application Process

<p>What is the application process at University of Alabama. I applied online and paid the fees but did not see any Essay Requirement. Is that accurate. I also applied for the ACT with Writing Scores. I would be applying for the Transcript now or I wonder if I should wait for the end of December ( hope to up my GPA by then). </p>

<p>Does the University need SAT Subject test scores? Would that help. I have applied for Computer Science. </p>

<p>I never got an auto email acknowledging the application!! I applied for the Fall 2014 term as a freshmen. Any other applicants here??</p>

<p>There is not an essay for the general admissions application. You will encounter them later if you apply to the Honors College or for certain scholarships or programs like Computer Based Honors or University Fellows Experience. You do not need SAT subject test scores – my son has been accepted and awarded a scholarship already and hasn’t taken any subject tests. </p>

<p>I am a little confused about whether you’ve submitted ACT scores and transcripts. Even if you submitted your application, you won’t be considered for admission until those scores and grades are received by the University. And they will be more focused on grades for freshman, sophomore, and junior years (some schools will even tell you that’s all they consider for regular admission, although they may decide to defer you and base their decision on your fall semester grades).</p>

<p>Do you need a scholarship to attend the University of Alabama?
Are you waiting to send transcripts because you think it will help to raise your GPA for a scholarship?</p>

<p>The Cummulative GPA requirement of 3.5 for the scholarships is based ONLY on Freshman, sophomore, and Junior year High School Transcripts.</p>

<p>Is there a problem with your GPA? Is it below the required 3.5? I am sorry to say that if it is below the required 3.5 even if you have the required ACT score then a scholarship will not be awarded according to the facts below.</p>

<p>Below Copied from the FAQS page:</p>

<p>If my high school GPA is below the required GPA for the Capstone, Collegiate, Foundation in Excellence Scholar, UA Scholar, or Presidential Scholarship, and I raise it during my senior year in high school, will it be reviewed for the scholarship offer?</p>

<p>No. Grade point averages for 9th through 11th grade are the only years reviewed for these scholarships.</p>

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<p>Thank you that is very good information. Yes, my current GPA is only 2.9 and that is the unweighted GPA listed on the school transcript. My Act composite score is 35 though. That means I wont be able to get a scholarship there.</p>

<p>Okay, that would be a problem. Have you taken any AP courses or honors classes during your first three years which would raise your GPA? The university of Alabama will take the weighted GPA as the required GPA. Do you know what your weighted GPA is?</p>

<p>If I might inquire, why the discrepancy between your GPA and your ACT score? Are you not working up to your potential in high school. That would be something you would need to address before you succeed in college.</p>

<p>^A lot of kids do that. My high school GPA is terrible but my SAT is good. High school, for a lot of kids, is about making mistakes and learning from them.</p>

<p>That can be a pretty expensive mistake, costing a scholarship. It can also mean that although the student is smart, they are not motivated. Just saying how that could prove to be a real problem when the work load increases in college</p>

<p>I’ve had a nice convo with the OP in his other two threads. Hopefully, the reason for his grade downfall has been identified.</p>

<p>Plus, he’ll come in with a good number of AP credits, so he’ll be able to skip some of the more tedious Gen Ed classes that can bog down a student like him. ;)</p>

<p>His parents will pay, so there’s no issue with that.</p>

<p>G4…no essay, so don’t worry about that. You’ve applied early in the season, so you should be admitted within a short time, depending on when transcripts are sent. </p>

<p>Are you the one who had some “grade repair” (retakes). how will those show on your transcript? Replacement? or both grades showing?</p>

<p>Let us know what goes on with your app as the weeks go on. </p>

<p>Can you visit the campus?</p>

<p>UA only looks at grades through junior year, so future applicants beware if your GPA is not up to par.</p>

<p>No amount of AP credit or pulling out all the stops in senior year is going to help those of you with a low gpa get a scholarship.</p>

<p>For myself, it wasn’t a lack of motivation that ruined my high school GPA, but rather overconfidence when choosing classes and over stretching through clubs and activities.</p>

<p>Luckily, Alabama is one of the few schools that will look at weighted GPA when giving out scholarships.</p>

<p>G4, you should be receiving a us mail letter assigning you a Campus Wide Identification Number (CWID) and a myBama website url. You will be able to see the status of your application, and any holes in the needed data (transcripts, etc.).</p>

<p>After that, it won’t be long. My kiddo had a good ACT (in the high 20s, not as awesome as yours) and a mediocre GPA. He was accepted quickly, and he is enjoying is first semester at Bama now.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Got busy with a project but I am back now. To answer your question on transcript, yes I have my original grades in the transcript as well as my retakes in the transcript. School/district policy as I understand. The retakes were done at a private school during summer and comes under the heading of that school within my school transcript.</p>

<p>Thanks, makes me feel better, I did finally find the email now I just need to get the transcript sent out to the college. Rest all are in place.</p>

<p>OP- Good luck to you! My DD is a Presidential Scholar, and we are hoping my DS will be as well. He is a junior in high school and has GPA issues but a great standardized test taker. He hopefully will end this year with a 3.5, but it is going to be close . . .</p>