Application Question

<p>DS received a very nice package from UA yesterday since he’s a NMSF and that prompted him to begin his app today, which has been on his “To Do” list for a while. He wasn’t too far into the app when payment was required, so he called me over and I entered my credit card info…then I hit “submit” (I thought I was just submitting the credit card info) and “poof” - off went the app! I had no idea what I’d done wrong, so DS & figured out how to log back in and it shows his app as “submitted.” He literally entered a very small amount of info, so the app cannot be fully complete. He said he just entered his name, address, high school…hadn’t even come to his GPA or transcript info.</p>

<p>My credit card was billed because I got a confirming email.</p>

<p>It was too late to call today, but should he call admissions on Monday? (and I would probably have to be the one calling since he’s gone from 7AM to almost 9PM every day during his sports season) I feel bad about whatever I did to his app because he had set aside the time to complete it and now he won’t have time to work on it again until next weekend, if that.</p>

<p>Will they be able to pull it up, open it back up, and allow him to complete it? The UA package for NMSF is so attractive that I don’t want to have this opportunity pass him by, let alone the scholarship if he advances to NMF.</p>

<p>Thanks for any advice regarding what to do as a next-step.</p>

<p>It’s been a couple of years for us but I think you probably completed the app just fine. There is an Honors college app that will appear once he’s been accepted. There were no essays to submit and UA will get his GPA etc from his transcript. Everything in life should be so easy. </p>

<p>First of all, don’t worry…it will all work out. I am sure of it.</p>

<p>In the past, Bama had admission office hours on Sat morn, so try calling before noon Central time tomorrow. </p>


<p>Local: (205) 348-5666
Toll Free: 1-800-933-BAMA (2262)
Fax: (205) 348-9046</p>

<p>If they are closed, then call Monday.</p>

<p>In the meantime, who is your area rep? look below and tell us the name</p>

<p><a href=“Find My Recruiter”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>BTW…if you’re worried that he can’t complete the app until next weekend, then ask him if you can do it. Bama’s app isn’t like other schools’ app. There are VERY FEW things to fill out. A parent could do it in 5 minutes. Your son’s app is likely nearly all filled out already anyway. </p>

He wasn’t too far into the app when payment was required, so he called me over and I entered my credit card info.

<p>Maybe he really was done with the app if payment was requested. That is usually requested at the end. </p>

<p>Also, in the meantime, arrange to have his test scores and transcript sent. </p>

<p>also…try this…go back to the app link and put in his log-in info. It may allow him to reopen a submitted app.</p>


<p>I just filled out a fake app (no money) and your son did finish the app. If you get to the point where they ask for money, then you’re done.</p>

<p>so, looks like your son is good!!</p>

<p>mom2collegekids, there is a separate scholarship app, right? Do NMSFs need to fill that out?</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids and @Class2012Mom, thank you both for your responses. @mom2collegekids, you were so kind to fill out a “fake app” and I would never have thought of that!</p>

<p>Wow, I have often wondered why some of DS’s colleges require the same data entry on the app that could simply be obtained via the HS transcript. UA gets MY vote for their easy app alone! It just seemed too brief to be complete, though. DS said he basically entered his name, address, high school and a few other fields and it was time for payment. I did wonder why we were paying so “early” in the app, as - yes - payment always comes at the end. I will give UA a lot of credit for that app, and so will my kid!</p>

<p>He checked his email a while ago and didn’t have any confirmation that his UA app had been received, but that may take a few days I guess. My role in all of this is to pay the fees & order transcripts and test scores, so I will do the ordering of those things tonight then.</p>

<p>UA is a looooong way from home, so that’s the greatest downside for DS. But we cannot argue with “Free” so UA will definitely be on his short list. </p>

<p>Roll Tide! (in homage to those who responded!!)</p>

<p>Haha. This is pretty funny.</p>

mom2collegekids, there is a separate scholarship app, right? Do NMSFs need to</p>



<p>Yes, there is. But, he can’t fill it out until he gets the follow-up email with his CWID number.</p>

<p>Bama collects just the basic needed info on the app because the other needed info will be on the transcript and test scores. Once those are uploaded into his file, the relative fields will fill up with the needed info. </p>

Where are you from? Are you going to visit? </p>

<p>(now enjoy the weekend! :slight_smile: )</p>



<p>@GoAskDad strikes again! </p>

<p>D got the same NMSF package yesterday. UA is currently not on her list but the letter sounded really good. So, you have to be accepted first and then fill out the Honors app? How about @celesteroberts‌’ question on scholarship? Is that a separate form? </p>

<p>Are you in Kansas? I haven’t driven to Kansas from Alabama, but I have driven to Norman, OK, and the drive is pretty swift. </p>

D got the same NMSF package yesterday. UA is currently not on her list but the letter sounded really good. So, you have to be accepted first and then fill out the Honors app? How about @celesteroberts‌’ question on scholarship? Is that a separate form?

<p>@FromMD‌ </p>

<p>Yes, after you are accepted, then the HC link will appear on your MyBama portal.</p>

<p>Yes, the scholarship app is separate…and easy.</p>