<p>So when you choose your major on the JHU supplement, it asks for your primary major and then second choice. If I choose, for example, Biology as the number 1 major, can I choose something like political science as the number 2 major? Or do both majors have to be under the same category, i.e. both under 'natural sciences' or both under 'social sciences' ?? </p>
<p>I hope you can do completely different areas as this is the whole reason why my s is applying! He is torn between his love for economics and that area and Biochemistry/biomedical something AND something more classics oriented. At this point, With fairly limited exception, I don’t think I’d trust any major a 18 year old picks as definite before they’d even begun. For those involved in all kinds of summer research etc., perhaps it’s different.</p>
<p>I have applied ED and I put my first choice major as Biology and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering as the second one. I dont think Hopkins admits you based on your major except in the case of BME where they take your choice into consideration.</p>
<p>Not sure why you think that your “major choices” have to be in the same academic category. Do the instructions read like we would restrict applicants that way? Because we don’t!!!</p>
<p>When you apply and you select the two majors you are interested in you can choose any majors on that list from all categories. You can choose a Humanities major first and an Engineering major second … or a Social Sciences major first and a Natural Sciences major second … or — well you get the point. Choose the two majors you are most interested in from the entire list.</p>