Application Received?? Help!

<p>I want to know if my transcript has been received as it is coming overseas. However I cannot find anywhere on my "My UW" page that tells me if it was received or not. However on my "to do" list it says:</p>

<p>Item List
To Do Item
ACT or SAT Test Scores<br>
ACT or SAT Writing Test<br>
Checking Application Materials </p>

<p>Does this mean that have received my transcript and reccomendations? I only took the ACT in December so that is why it is still on my list. Can someone tell me please?</p>


<p>It looks like they may have already received your transcript or they would have listed it as missing. When did you submit your application and transcript?</p>

<p>I applied a month ago but my counselor only sent my transcript in a little over a week ago. Is there anywehre on the site I can confirm that it was received. Its pretty hard to find your way around the site.</p>

<p>No, there really isn't. They are so backlogged now that I would have to guess it's sitting in a stack of mail waiting to be found - and it WILL be found. It has been taking anywhere from 2-4 weeks for them just to match up transcripts with applications. Although, they could already have it since it's been almost 2 weeks. They should be updating your webpage soon with anything else that is missing, so keep an eye on it. If it says missing HS transcipt, don't panic and send another set. That's what we did and it delayed the whole process by another 6 weeks! The key with this whole process is to be patient (easier said than done) and let their sloooow process take place. Good Luck!</p>