<p>Ah it’s because I’m a transfer applicant. Should have noticed that earlier. I don’t think our application times are even the same.</p>
<p>Your UC Admission Application has been received.
We are pleased that you have applied to the University of California.</p>
<p>Your UC Application Identification Number is *******.</p>
<p>Your application has been sent to the following UC campuses for their review:
<p>Please visit the UC Application Status website. This site will allow you to review your application status, verify test scores, pay processing fees by credit card, make on-line changes to key application data, review important information and instructions, and link to campus websites. The address for the UC Application Status website is [University</a> of California - Admissions - Apply to UC - Application Status](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergradapp/appstatus.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergradapp/appstatus.html).</p>
Freshman Applicants: You are required to take two SAT Subjects Tests (in two different subject areas) and either the ACT Assessment plus Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test. Your scores must be sent by the testing agency to the campus(es) to which you applied. You must take the exams no later than December 2008 if you are applying for the Fall 2009 term. If the University does not have official score reports on file by late January, your admissions may be jeopardized. To verify official test scores on file, go to the Application Status website at the address shown above. For score release procedures, contact the College Board SAT program at 866-756-7346 or ACT at 319-337-1313, or visit the testing agency websites at [::</a> College Planning Made Easy | Inside Source for College Admissions Requirements](<a href=“http://www.collegeboard.com%5D::”>http://www.collegeboard.com) or [ACT:</a> Resources for Education and Workplace Success](<a href=“http://www.act.org%5DACT:”>http://www.act.org). If you graduated from high school in Spring 2005 or earlier, different test score requirements may apply; for more information about test score requirements, go to [University</a> of California - Admissions - The University of California offers one of the broadest ranges of study of any institution of higher learning in the world, all at an affordable price.](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions]University”>Admissions | University of California).</p>
<p>Transfer Applicants: About five weeks after the application filing period has ended, you will be asked to submit grades for all courses attempted in the last completed term and to provide an updated list of courses in progress or planned for the upcoming term(s). This can be done by logging onto the following website and completing the Application Update form:
[University</a> of California - Admissions - The University of California offers one of the broadest ranges of study of any institution of higher learning in the world, all at an affordable price.](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/apply/after_apply/after_update_transf.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/apply/after_apply/after_update_transf.html).</p>
<p>Fee Waivers: Application fees are waived for up to four campuses for qualified U.S. citizens and permanent residents who submit one of the following: a College Board fee waiver given by a high school counselor; a California Community College EOPS form; or a letter of authorization from a UC Admissions, Relations with Schools, or EOP Office. If you do not have one of the authorized fee waivers listed above, you may be considered for one by sending a letter stating your family’s gross annual income and the number of family members supported by that income to the address listed below. Note: Falsified income data may jeopardize your admission to a UC campus.</p>
<p>To Apply for Financial Aid: Complete and file a 2009-10 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) between January 1 and March 2, 2009. California residents must also apply for a Cal Grant in addition to filing the FAFSA. To apply for a Cal Grant, file a GPA Verification Form (separate from the FAFSA) with the California Student Aid Commission by March 2, 2009. You will receive both forms from the University (if you filed your admissions application by November 30, 2008, and you are a domestic applicant) by mid-January 2009. Both forms are also expected to be available by January 1, 2009, at high schools and colleges.</p>
<p>All Applicants: Campuses increasingly use email to send critical, time-sensitive correspondence to applicants. Be sure to provide an email address that you check regularly and plan to keep until you enroll. Be aware that campuses send out bulk emails with very important information, and you may need to adjust your email filtering to accept mail from UC addresses.</p>
<p>If your mailing or email address changes, use the Application Status website to update your address information, or you may notify the Processing Service in writing at the mailing address below. Follow campus procedures regarding mailing and email address changes, if your address changes after you have enrolled in classes.</p>
<p>Admission decisions will be made as soon as the review process permits and you will be notified by the campus(es) you selected. For Fall applicants who apply during the November filing period, admission notification will occur from March 1 through March 31 (for freshman applicants) or April 1 through May 1 (for transfer applicants). In keeping with its mission as a public university, the University of California will make every effort to offer admission to one of its campuses to every qualified California resident.</p>
<p>Thank you.
The University of California Undergraduate Application Processing Service
P. O. Box 4010
Concord, CA 94524-4010
(800) 523-2048 (toll-free in California) or (925) 808-2181 (outside California)
Email address: <a href="mailto:ucinfo@ucapplication.net">ucinfo@ucapplication.net</a></p>